We want everyone to come to the beach and enjoy a safe Independence Day. But we also want visitors to know and follow our Leave Only Footprints regulations.

For example, fireworks are prohibited on the beach. That includes during the Fourth of July celebrations.

Why? Glad you asked.

First, fireworks debris causes a huge trash issue on the beach because most people don’t stick around to clean up all those little pieces of colorful, exploded paper.

Debris can also pollute our local waterways. The inside of a firework contains chemical pellets arranged to emit particular colors and designs. Commonly used chemicals include potassium chlorate, potassium perchlorate, potassium nitrate, sodium benzoate, sodium oxalate, ammonium perchlorate, strontium nitrate, strontium carbonate, sulfur, charcoal, copper oxide, polyvinyl chloride, iron, titanium, shellac, dextrine, phenolic resin and aluminum. Doesn’t sound like stuff you want around wildlife or in waterways, does it?

Don’t worry, though. You can still watch the “rocket’s red glare” at official Fourth of July fireworks displays on the Alabama Coast.

And while those barbecues and picnics are a lot of fun, they also make a big mess. So be sure to pick up your beverage bottles, plastic plates and cups, and food wrappers. Items left behind can end up spending years in our waterways, littering our beaches and endangering marine life.

So have a blast on the Fourth. Just protect the beach while you do.