tips on going green

16 09, 2021

Keeping it green at home

By |2021-09-13T16:35:22+00:00September 16th, 2021|Blog|0 Comments

We appreciate all you do to keep our beaches and waters clean and the environment healthy. Have you thought about how to keep up the good work at home?    Any of the following are easy ways to get started:   Use coffee that is grown using sustainable standards and certified organic by the USDA.  Recycle where you can.  Don’t forget to carry your reusable grocery bags when you shop.  Go paperless for bills and pay online.   Light your life with energy-efficient light bulbs.   Turn [...]

2 01, 2019

Start the new year with a resolution to go green at the office

By |2019-01-02T16:17:49+00:00January 2nd, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

The effort to keep our environment clean doesn’t end when you leave the beach. When you go green back home, you’re helping reduce waste in our landfills, as well as reducing or eliminating trash that can end up in our waterways. And that rings true whether you practice good stewardship at home or at the office. Need some tips on going green at your workplace? We’re here to help. First, create a “no plastic” zone with only reusable eating utensils, [...]

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