seagull with trash in beakCoastal Alabama is rich with beautiful scenery and an abundance of wildlife. The smell of salt water, the sounds of the gulls and the waves, and the sugar-white sand are all a part of the beach experience. To keep our beaches and coastal area healthy and inviting, we ask our visitors to help by following the Leave Only Footprints program. 

Respecting the area’s wildlife is another way to make sure the coast is a fun place to visit. The seagulls may look friendly, but they are wild animals. They are also very clever. If people feed them, it doesn’t take long for the birds to associate people with a source of food. 

The top three reasons you shouldn’t feed the gulls:  

  1. French fries and other “people” foods are not a part of a gull’s natural diet. Fries, breads and other foods are low in nutrition and may prevent the birds from eating their more healthful natural foods. This, in turn, causes health problems for the birds.  
  2. Feeding the birds and other wildlife teaches them to not fear humans. Gulls are natural scavengers. They can become aggressive toward people as they try to steal food from plates or hands.  
  3. Feeding one gull is a signal for all of its friends to join in. Before you know it, there are 20 or 30 gulls above you begging for food. Being below that many birds is never a good idea.  

Be good to the gulls, your fellow beach lovers and yourself by keeping your food away from the wildlife and by depositing wrappings and other trash in designated receptacles