We all know plastic waste is a huge problem for our planet. Many restaurants along the coast and other areas are switching from plastic straws to an eco-friendly alternative like bamboo straws to help make a difference along the Gulf Coast. Plastic straws not only end up in the waste stream, but can also end up in waterways, ultimately injuring wildlife.
Many of you have seen the devastating video of a sea turtle with a plastic straw stuck up his nose. It was heart-wrenching to watch. We’re thankful someone was in the right place at the right time to help. But what is even more heart-wrenching is all the animals that didn’t receive help. Seabirds, marine animals and fish can all be killed by plastic straws.
Research has found that 70 percent of seabirds and 30 percent of sea turtles have some amount of plastic in their systems. And plastic straws are high on the list of the most common objects fouling the seas. There are movements being made along coasts nationwide to ban plastic straws, so many local restaurants are switching over to biodegradable straws to help prevent litter and further harm to wildlife.
Next time you go out for dinner, think twice before asking for a straw. Straws are typically something we can easily give up. It’s a small step in the right direction to make a large global change.
Source: NBC News Plastic straws clog the ocean and hurt fish. Now there is a growing movement to ban them.