We enjoy using any reason to preach the importance of recycling, so we are all about November 15, which is recognized as America Recycles Day!

Recycling is essential when protecting our homes, but it does not need to be complicated. We want everyone to feel encouraged to do their best without feeling overwhelmed.

We’re happy to share a few ideas to celebrate America Recycles Day. You have plenty of time to plan ahead with these handy tips.

  • Set up recycling stations in your home. Labels for clear plastic, aluminum, glass, and paper will help keep it sorted.
  • Take the #BeRecycled pledge
  • Educate your family about the importance of recycling, reducing and reusing.
  • Set up a composter. Even a tiny bin will help save landfill space. It also helps the soil hold moisture and reduces water runoff.
  • Share your efforts on social media. Use the #BeRecycled hashtag on November 15 to help spread awareness and encourage others to learn more.
  • Go outside! Spending time in nature makes you feel grateful for how beautiful and precious our planet is.

Check out the Leave Only Footprints website for tips and recycling information in the Gulf Shores area.

As always, do your part to Leave Only Footprints on our beaches and everywhere you go.