riding bicycle in Gulf Shores and Orange BeachSparkling water, beautiful white-sand beaches, a plethora of restaurants, and what we like to call Southern hospitality are givens when you visit Gulf Shores and Orange Beach. How do we keep it this way? The Leave Only Footprints program helps keep our environment beautiful, and the people – locals and guests – are responsible for keeping it friendly.   

You know not to litter and how to take out what you bring in. You know all about recycling. You know where to walk and where not to walk on our amazing dunes. But do you know how to be considerate of others while youre enjoying your time at the beach?  

As we make our way through winter with the threat of COVID-19 continuing to peek over our shoulders, its a good time to visit the beaches of Coastal Alabama for some fresh air and outdoor fun. This time of year, you’ll find our guests are a bit older and the atmosphere is a bit more laid-back than during our busy spring and summerWhile strolling the beaches and trails, be mindful of others and keep a safe distance. When you give a smile and friendly wave, you’ll likely get the same in return.   

Riding a bicycle on the area’s many trails is a favorite pastime. The warm days are an invitation to hit the trail. Didn’t bring your bike? Rental companies, open year-round, are scattered throughout the area. With miles of paved, meandering paths, you may feel you have the world to yourself. But remember, others are using the trail, too. Be courteous to the walkers, runners and other bikers sharing the trail. Again, a friendly nod and a hello will go a long way.  

The statement “we are all in this together” is certainly appropriate right now. Be kind, be happy, stay well, and remember to Leave Only Footprints behind.