It’s essential to respect all wildlife you encounter along Alabama’s Gulf Coast. The Leave, Only Footprints initiative is about keeping the Alabama Coast clean, safeguarding the ecosystem, and protecting wildlife and their habitats.

Are you wondering how to respect wildlife along Alabama’s Gulf Coast? It’s pretty simple!

  • Observe wildlife from a distance. Harassing wildlife wastes the energy that they need to survive. If you disrupt their habitat, it may become unusable, and the animals will be forced into unsafe situations.
  • Do not feed the animals. Human food is not healthy for wild animals. Each species has special dietary needs. If they fill up on human food, they will not get the nutrients they need and end up sick or dying.
  • Store your food and garbage securely so the wildlife cannot get into it. Animals cannot distinguish food from wrappers and can get sick from eating them.
  • Keep the coast clean. Pick up trash when you see it.
  • Avoid disturbing or going near wildlife. They must spend time eating, resting, and nurturing as nature intends.

Please do your part and respect the wildlife across the beach.