sand pipers on the beachWith more than 650 species of wildlife in Alabama, we are the fourth most biologically diverse state in the U.S. The wide range of habitats here – from the Appalachian Mountains of north Alabama to the beaches along the Gulf Coast – is the reason for so much diversity. Protecting Alabama’s coastal wildlife is one of our concerns at Leave Only Footprints. 

Keeping the shorelines and beaches clean and uncluttered is aesthetically pleasing, of courseBut it also protects our wildlife and waterways. In the spring and summer, sea turtles need a clear path to their nesting area and birds require safe nesting grounds. In the winter when we can get strong north winds blowing in, trash on the beach can easily make its way to the water.  

The graceful and sometimes daring seagulls and other shore birds depend on us to keep their habitat safe. Please don’t feed the seagulls, as they will become a nuisance and think your food is theirs. Human food is not healthy for them and it may keep the birds from eating their natural foods and therefore getting the nutrients they need.   

During the winterthe protected wetlands, beaches and scrub forests are home to a wide variety of wildlife. Loons, great blue herons, snowy egrets, mergansers and yellowthroats are just some of the bird species with abundant sightingsThe tiny beach mouse is one of the most protected species on our coast. Unfortunately, development has pushed it to endangered status. A healthy beach mouse population supports a food chain of animals that preserve sea oats and our dune ecosystems.  

Wildlife can be spotted more frequently on the beaches and along the roads in Gulf Shores and Orange Beach during the quieter winter months. It’s not unusual to see a deer feeding or a red fox scamper through the sugar-white sand on the beach. It’s up to us to ensure the coastal wildlife has the proper habitat to thrive.   

We can all participate in the care of the ecosystem by following the guidelines of the Leave Only Footprints program. Our coastal area depends on everyone doing their part.