Noise pollution. Did you know it may be harmful to your health? Or why it is beneficial to take a break from it, such as with a beach break? Let’s break it down.

Noise pollution is the presence of excessive and disturbing noise from machines, transportation systems, aircrafts, trains, vehicles, machinery, construction and more. It’s harmful to your physical and mental health – more than just annoying, it can lead to hypertension, as well as increase stress and anxiety levels. By reducing noise pollution, we can control its negative effects.

In Gulf Shores and Orange Beach, one of the Leave Only Footprints initiatives is to ban loud music. By observing the music volume rule on the beaches, it allows each visitor to enjoy the sounds of the waves, the wind in the trees, and the birds flying along the coastline. This provides visitors a much-needed break from noise pollution they may experience every day at work or even at home.

Soak up the sounds of nature while at the beach. Be present in the quietness. Find peace in the lap of the waves on the shore. Feel your blood pressure, stress and anxiety levels decrease in the presence of only natural sounds on the beautiful beaches of Gulf Shores and Orange Beach.