Gulf-Shores-Orange-Beach-winterTaking a beach break in the winter is fun! A few days at the coast after the hectic holidays might be the best way to ward off the winter doldrums. Take advantage of off-season rental rates  your Gulf Shores and Orange Beach getaway is waiting  

Need convincing? We have five good reasons to visit during the winter:  

  1. A laid-back atmosphere – We’re always relaxed on Alabama’s coast, but in the winter the pace is even more so 
  2. Free parking – The public beaches in Gulf Shores do not require a parking fee December through February.  
  3. Wide-open spaces – The moderate winter temperatures make for a pleasant day at the beach. You won’t have any trouble finding a place for your chair and umbrella.  
  4. No wait times – Most of our restaurants are open throughout January and February. With fewer people, the wait time can be little or none. Just be sure to check their off-season hours before you go 
  5. Photo ops – During the winter months, the sun rises and sets over the Gulf of Mexico, experiences summer visitors can’t witness. The colorful skies and water reflections make beautiful, memorable photographs.  

Make your reservations and visit our website  to learn how to Leave Only Footprints while you’re here.