big pile of paperDid you make a 2020 resolution to reduce waste at home? That’s great! But another great place to focus your efforts is your work environment. One seemingly small thing that will make a huge impact is to reduce paper waste. Another is to recycle items found in your company’s breakroom.

We’ve all heard “Think before you print.” This campaign is not against printing. But it does encourage people to remember that wasting paper, ink and toner is not economic or good for the environment. So next time you prepare to hit print, ask yourself whether you can save it as a digital file instead of filing a paper copy in your desk drawer. Or can you email it to a colleague instead of printing out a report? Simple change. BIG difference.

Did you know that 70% of office waste consists of paper? Paper is used for applications, files for clients and employees, paper records and mail. What makes it wasteful is that 30% of papers are not picked up and 45% of those get thrown away!

Set up recycle bins in your breakroom so plastics, cardboard, bottles, etc., can end up being recycled rather than adding to the landfill.

Save time, money and the planet by reducing paper and other recyclable waste at work this year!