Spring at the beach is so much fun! Digging your toes and fingers into the sand while you sculpt a castle or playing games on the beach fulfills something deep within us to be close to nature and enjoy its playground. Loving our sugar-white sands while you Leave Only Footprints – or better yet, leave an invisible footprint – allows everyone to enjoy a sparkling clean beach.
Let us suggest a few tips you and your group can use to make your visit one that will be remembered only by your camera skills.

water bottles

  1. If you bring it, take it home with you. Everything goes at the end of the day: umbrellas, tents, umbrella covers, chairs, sand toys, rafts, trash. Put it where it belongs, whether it’s in a car, a trash can or a recycling bin.


  1. Use recyclable materials whenever possible. Aluminum drink cans can be recycled, as can paper products that do not use plastic foam. Putting less into our landfills makes our visit truly green.


  1. Another way to reduce what’s going into our landfills is to place reusable water bottles in your cooler. It’s a great way to make your stay more invisible. Americans use about 50 billion water bottles each year, but only about 12 billion get placed into a recycling container.


  1. Use sand dune walkovers so you don’t disturb the natural vegetation or the dunes themselves as you walk to and from the beach. Sand dune vegetation has roots very close to the surface; walking through the dune or pulling anything through it, such as beach gear, can damage the plants, which in turn causes the sand to erode.


  1. Be informed about any special regulations or rules regarding the area you are visiting. For Gulf Shores and Orange Beach, observe the rules of Leave Only Footprints. Also be sure to observe Share the Beach guidelines for nesting sea turtles.


  1. Be respectful of others, humans and animals alike.


  1. Make your beach day the best day ever and remember to Leave Only Footprints, or none at all.