“Will we see dolphins?” This is understandably an extremely common question we hear from visitors to the Alabama Gulf Coast. Dolphins’ beauty, athleticism, intelligence and fun-loving personalities make them a favorite among the many creatures who make their home in our back bays, waterways and the Gulf of Mexico.

And the answer to that question is: “Yes, you just might! Do you know how to be Dolphin SMART?”

Dolphin SMART is a partnership program developed by NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and National Marine Fisheries Service, the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, and the Dolphin Ecology Project. The program was created to help prevent harassment of wild dolphins caused by commercial operations focused on providing opportunities for visitors to see them.

You can protect dolphins by being “Dolphin SMART” and applying five important practices whenever you venture into waters where dolphins might be present:

  • Stay at least 50 yards from dolphins.
  • Move away cautiously if dolphins show signs of disturbance.
  • Always put your engine in neutral when dolphins are near.
  • Refrain from swimming with, touching or feeding wild dolphins.
  • Teach others to be Dolphin SMART.

By applying these principles, you minimize the risk of disturbing dolphins’ normal, healthy behavior patterns, such as migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding and sheltering.

If you’d like to experience a dolphin cruise or kayak adventure, book your trip with a Dolphin SMART operator. These guides have gone through a voluntary program and are committed to applying best practices, as well as educating their customers on how they can help protect dolphins.