Dolphin SMART Program

21 08, 2019

Protect dolphins in Alabama by being Dolphin SMART

By |2019-08-20T10:20:04+00:00August 21st, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

“Will we see dolphins?” This is understandably an extremely common question we hear from visitors to the Alabama Gulf Coast. Dolphins’ beauty, athleticism, intelligence and fun-loving personalities make them a favorite among the many creatures who make their home in our back bays, waterways and the Gulf of Mexico. And the answer to that question is: “Yes, you just might! Do you know how to be Dolphin SMART?” Dolphin SMART is a partnership program developed by NOAA’s Office of National [...]

9 08, 2017

Learn to be Dolphin SMART

By |2017-08-09T13:01:58+00:00August 9th, 2017|Blog|0 Comments

You love dolphins, right? We all do. They are beautiful, playful and graceful creatures that you can see from the beach or up close while boating. Visitors love watching dolphins rollicking in the waves. We need to be smart, however, in how we interact with dolphins in order to protect them. A program called Dolphin SMART provides guidelines for all of us to safely view dolphins and protect their habitat. The Marine Mammal Protection Act prohibits harassment, hunting, capturing, killing [...]

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