
3 04, 2019

Teach Kids to Recycle at the Beach This Spring

By |2019-04-03T15:15:43+00:00April 3rd, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

Spring is a great time for your children to continue learning via exciting experiences. Their young brains are sponges, and one of the most important habits for this new generation to absorb is the importance of recycling. And the beach is the perfect classroom! The best way to start is by having a conversation about recycling. Ask your children what they know about the process and how it can harm the environment, especially at the beach. Stimulate the conversation by [...]

21 03, 2019

Standardized Labels Educate Consumers and Help the Recycling Industry Thrive

By |2019-03-21T15:07:19+00:00March 21st, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

Recycling can be confusing for the general consumer of disposable goods. What container does it go in? What do these little numbers mean? And when the average Joe is left with these questions unanswered, it results in a large amount of recyclable waste contaminated. Contamination refers to the mixing of regular trash - such as food waste, styrofoam, diapers and other items - with the good recycling materials. We live in a society of people who are looking to the [...]

1 11, 2017

Recycling efforts come to the Alabama Coastal Cleanup

By |2017-11-01T19:46:08+00:00November 1st, 2017|Blog|0 Comments

We want to give a big shout-out to the thousands of volunteers who converged at check-in sites across South Alabama on Sept. 16 for the 30th year of the Alabama Coastal Cleanup. It’s an incredible effort by the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, municipalities, business sponsors and volunteers to keep our coastal areas and waterways clean. Organizers partnered with TerraCycle and Thompson Engineering to include recycling in this year’s cleanup. Volunteers received two bags - one for trash, [...]

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