Sea turtle nesting season may be coming to a close, but there are plenty of other wild creatures on the Alabama coast that need our protection.

The most basic thing you can do to help is be sure to remove trash and gear from the beach. Birds can mistake wrappers or plastic containers for food. While we’re talking about those seagulls, herons and other birds on the beach, please don’t feed them. It’s dangerous for them and for other visitors.

Keeping plastic soda cans and plastic rings out of the surf also protects marine life. Ever see those photos of a sea turtle wrapped up in plastic rings? Be sure to put those items in a recycling or trash bin.

We also want to protect our dolphins. When you’re boating, be sure to follow Dolphin SMART principles. It’s simple:

Stay at least 50 yards from dolphins.

Move away slowly if dolphins show signs of disturbance.

Always put your engine in neutral when dolphins are near.

Refrain from touching, feeding or swimming with wild dolphins.

Teach others to be Dolphin SMART.

With all the visitors coming to our coast, it’s important to watch out for these local residents.