Dolphins are animals that everyone is excited to see in the wild. They can be seen frequently from right here in the Gulf of Mexico off the Alabama coast.

Even though you may see wild dolphins in the water, that does not mean you should approach them. Viewing the beautiful animals from a distance is important. If you get too close, move too quickly or make too much noise around dolphins, it can cause a disruption for them. This risks disturbing the natural behaviors of the dolphins, including their migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding and sheltering.

Leave Only Footprints wants everyone to know the five ways to be Dolphin SMART

  • Stay at least 50 yards from dolphins.
  • Move away cautiously if dolphins show signs of disturbance.
  • Always put your engine in neutral when dolphins are near.
  • Refrain from swimming with, touching or feeding wild dolphins.
  • Teach others to be Dolphin SMART.

On your next trip to the Alabama Gulf Coast, remember to be Dolphin SMART.