Show of hands: Who likes to picnic at the beach? 

Who doesn’t?! There are few things in life as simplistic and wonderful as a day spent on the beach with your family. And that means having plenty of snacks and food ready so you don’t have to leave once you get set up. 

Want to know some secrets to packing a great picnic lunch when you head out to a spot on the Alabama beaches?

First, take lots of finger foods. No need to haul a lot of silverware and plates. You want food that can be picked up and eaten by hand. Fried chicken is a popular beach food because it can be eaten hot or cold, and makes the perfect-size protein source when you or your kids need a pick-me-up after playing in the waves. Pre-cut fruit, raw veggies, and prepared cheese and crackers are other foods easy to eat and easy to pack.

Second, it’s important to pack snacks the kids like. Do they have a favorite snack cracker? Nuts? Fruit snacks? Cookies or brownies? Pack ’em. 

Third, make sure you pack plenty of water and juice. Freeze the water so that it stays cool even after sitting in the sun. Keep the food cool with an ice chest or cooler, and situate an umbrella overhead to keep yourselves cool.

Last, but not least, pack some hand wipes and a plastic bag. Be sure to pick up everything when you’re finished, then put that trash in the proper receptacle to keep the beach clean and the wildlife safe.