When the business community, local residents and visitors all get on the same page to keep a clean island, good things happen!

So, what can the community do? Glad you asked!

First is to ensure your business and home are “green.”

That means using recycled paper and glass products, recycling your waste and reducing energy consumption. In addition, take public transit when you can, carpool, or even walk or bike when it’s safe to do so. Does every member of the family really have to take a separate vehicle, or is there a way to share a ride?

How does that keep the beach clean? The less waste that goes into our groundwater and runoff, the less of it ends up in our waterways!

In addition, your business can promote the Leave Only Footprints campaign by picking up bumper stickers, signs and flyers. Let your customers know you support this effort, and encourage them to do so as well.

Of course, there are a number of other ways to be environmentally friendly, but that should get you started!