Dolphin SMART

20 11, 2022

Dolphin SMART

By |2022-10-16T18:07:39+00:00November 20th, 2022|Blog|0 Comments

If you go to the beach regularly, you’ve likely seen dolphins swimming in the distance. You may have been in the water when you saw them, or maybe you were watching from the shore. It’s always exciting to see a gorgeous dolphin in its natural habitat. However, it is essential never to approach them. Dolphins are wild animals, and we need to be cautious around them like any other animal we encounter. You are protecting yourself and the dolphins by [...]

10 01, 2022

Be Dolphin SMART

By |2022-01-17T15:36:57+00:00January 10th, 2022|Blog|0 Comments

Dolphins are animals that everyone is excited to see in the wild. They can be seen frequently from right here in the Gulf of Mexico off the Alabama coast. Even though you may see wild dolphins in the water, that does not mean you should approach them. Viewing the beautiful animals from a distance is important. If you get too close, move too quickly or make too much noise around dolphins, it can cause a disruption for them. This risks [...]

21 10, 2020

Why we need to be Dolphin SMART on Alabama’s Gulf Coast

By |2020-10-14T19:03:11+00:00October 21st, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

Dolphins are amazing! We know how smart they are. But do you know how to be Dolphin SMART?    Stay at least 50 yards from dolphins.  Move away cautiously if dolphins show signs of disturbance.  Always put your engine in neutral when dolphins are near.  Refrain from swimming with, touching or feeding wild dolphins.  Teach others to be Dolphin SMART.   Being Dolphin SMART is very important on Alabama’s  Gulf Coast. Bottlenose dolphins love our warm gulf waters and back bays, and we humans love to observe them. Dolphins [...]

19 08, 2020

Five things you might not know about dolphins

By |2020-08-19T18:30:13+00:00August 19th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

One of the most popular activities for visitors to the Alabama Gulf Coast is a dolphin cruise. It’s always a thrill to spot wild creatures in their natural habitat. The first sighting of a dolphin breaking the surface of the water can create a memory to last a lifetime.     These playful aquatic mammals capture the hearts of people, young and old. We know they are thought to be some of the smartest animals on the planet, communicating, socializing and playing with each other. They [...]

17 06, 2020

Be Dolphin SMART when you’re on the water

By |2020-06-17T14:48:56+00:00June 17th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

We all know dolphins are smart, but have you heard of being Dolphin SMART?   Sometimes we humans get a little overexcited when we come into contact with wildlife. In our enthusiasm, we want to feed them, touch them, play with them and, without meaning to, harass them. Engaging in this type of behavior is harmful to wildlife and can disrupt their natural behaviors such as breeding, feeding, breathing, migration, nursing and sheltering. We mentioned dolphins are smart; when humans offer them food, they quickly learn begging behavior. Dolphins are hunters, [...]

21 08, 2019

Protect dolphins in Alabama by being Dolphin SMART

By |2019-08-20T10:20:04+00:00August 21st, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

“Will we see dolphins?” This is understandably an extremely common question we hear from visitors to the Alabama Gulf Coast. Dolphins’ beauty, athleticism, intelligence and fun-loving personalities make them a favorite among the many creatures who make their home in our back bays, waterways and the Gulf of Mexico. And the answer to that question is: “Yes, you just might! Do you know how to be Dolphin SMART?” Dolphin SMART is a partnership program developed by NOAA’s Office of National [...]

11 04, 2018

What it means to be Dolphin SMART

By |2018-04-11T13:31:48+00:00April 11th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments

Everyone loves that thrill you get when you see a dolphin splashing in the wild. But there are measures we should take to keep them safe. Dolphin SMART is a program that encourages responsible viewing of these magnificent marine mammals. It was launched in 2007 by the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuaries because of the number of dolphin viewing tours in their area. The program is now sanctioned by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. While the program was developed [...]

15 11, 2017

Protecting wildlife on the Alabama coast

By |2017-11-15T14:34:36+00:00November 15th, 2017|Blog|0 Comments

Sea turtle nesting season may be coming to a close, but there are plenty of other wild creatures on the Alabama coast that need our protection. The most basic thing you can do to help is be sure to remove trash and gear from the beach. Birds can mistake wrappers or plastic containers for food. While we’re talking about those seagulls, herons and other birds on the beach, please don’t feed them. It’s dangerous for them and for other visitors. [...]

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