environmentally friendly

13 01, 2021

Spread some green love for Valentine’s Day

By |2021-01-11T21:17:22+00:00January 13th, 2021|Blog|0 Comments

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and we’re here to help you plan ahead. This popular holiday traditionally involves gifts of chocolates, flowers and paper greeting cards. Perhaps this year we could show some green love to the environment with thoughtful gifts.   If you usually give your sweetheart flowers, try a potted plant instead. Fresh flowers have a short life span – the colorful petals wilt and fade within a few days. But a potted plant can live for decades with proper care. (Hint: Succulents are really popular right now.) Want to go [...]

6 01, 2021

Make a resolution to be environmentally friendly at the beach

By |2021-01-11T21:12:47+00:00January 6th, 2021|Blog|0 Comments

Are you a New Year’s resolution maker? If so, a good one to add to your list for 2021 is being green at the beach. It’s an easy resolution to keep if you follow our tips for your next Gulf Shores and Orange Beach visit:    Take an extra trash bag to the beach and pick up any trash you see when you make your way between your car and the water.   Walk only on boardwalks or designated paths to protect the dune systems.   Pack everything out that you brought in, and Leave [...]

3 12, 2020

Look for eco-friendly gifts for your friends and family this holiday season

By |2020-12-15T18:13:59+00:00December 3rd, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

Still looking for that perfect holiday gift? An eco-friendly choice is a good way to make an impression and care for the environment. From stocking stuffers to luxury items, it’s easy to find products to fit the bill.   Need some help getting started? Keep on reading:   Recycled polyester touchscreen gloves make great stocking stuffers.   Toys made from recycled plastic milk containers keep materials out of landfills. (If you are an Amazon shopper, just search for green toys.)   Reusable, washable totes are handy for groceries and more.   Stainless steel tumblers for cold or warm [...]

15 07, 2020

Protect the fragile dunes by following the boardwalk to the beach

By |2020-07-14T17:27:01+00:00July 15th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

When you arrive at the beach, excitement takes over and you want to get to the water as quickly as possible. But, wait! How are you going to get there? Chances are, your vacation rental has a wooden path just for this purpose. That iconic boardwalk is more than an easy way to get to the beach. It’s also the protector of the beach dunes.    The beach dunes along our sandy shores provide habitat for the diverse wildlife of the [...]

11 03, 2020

How to Be Green, Clean and Considerate this Spring Break

By |2020-02-27T18:15:47+00:00March 11th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

After a long, cold and often wet winter, spring is always a welcome sight. It’s the perfect time to go to the beach to sunbathe and play on the water’s edge. Even though this can be a time of fun, it’s important to be considerate of others and to clean up after yourself. Orange Beach and Gulf Shores public beaches have trash receptacles located on the beach for any garbage you need to dispose of. It’s strongly suggested to carry [...]

6 01, 2020

New Year’s Resolutions — Simple Ways to Reduce Waste and Go Green at Work

By |2020-01-16T18:03:15+00:00January 6th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

The beginning of a new year comes with much promise and hope. We often set forth with new resolutions to make a positive change in our lives. What if you could make one change that would help the entire planet for years to come? Would you do it? What if we told you it was simple? Intriguing, right? One small thing you can do that will make a huge impact is to reduce paper waste at work! A whopping 70% [...]

20 12, 2019

Leave what you find when exploring the shores of the Alabama Gulf Coast

By |2019-11-12T13:38:09+00:00December 20th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

The Alabama Gulf Coast is a wonder. The endless blue skies, emerald water that gently laps on the sugar-white sands, the smell of fresh salt air and the shells you find scattered along your path. All wonders. All part of our natural environment. It’s easy to want to take home a treasure from the beach. A symbol of the memory of the day spent on the Alabama shores. But we want future generations to continue to enjoy the shores, soak [...]

6 12, 2019

Help nesting birds on the Alabama Gulf Coast

By |2019-11-12T13:32:24+00:00December 6th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

There are many threats and dangers for nesting birds along the Alabama Gulf Coast beaches, dunes and barrier islands. Beach-nesting birds like the Wilson’s plover, least tern, snowy plover and black skimmer all encounter hurdles, including storms and other natural disasters, as well as loss of habitat due to coastal development, off-road vehicles and people. Although each of those has contributed to their decreasing population, there are measures we can take to help these birds thrive once again. American Bird [...]

29 11, 2019

No-Waste Food Prep for Your Beach Picnic

By |2019-10-25T09:53:14+00:00November 29th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

Picnics are so much fun, especially when they are on the beach! And it’s actually easy to decrease or eliminate the use of disposable products that may get left behind. Learn how to pack a zero-waste, delicious picnic with a few easy steps. First, finger foods are a great way to go. They are perfect for a picnic because they do not require any utensils or wrappers that may be blown away or thrown away. Pick your favorites from this [...]

24 10, 2019

The Future of Clean Water on the Alabama Gulf Coast

By |2019-09-22T02:45:22+00:00October 24th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

Water pollution has numerous sources. The Mobile Bay National Estuary Clean Water Future program encourages people to spread the word, not the pollution. The Create a Clean Water Future campaign is working with many individuals, businesses, community groups and schools to stop water pollution. This movement involves community support to raise awareness about storm runoff and the pollution it carries. Clean Water Future partners with more than 42 organizations, including cities and businesses, to provide education on water pollution while [...]

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