Clean Beaches

14 10, 2020

Why marine debris is scary stuff

By |2020-10-14T18:54:30+00:00October 14th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

Can you imagine a floating island of trash that covers an area twice the size of Texas? While it isn’t actually an island, the Great Pacific garbage patch is a large system of ocean currents containing marine debris particles in the central north Pacific Ocean. These particles of plastics and floating trash contain an estimated 87,000 metric tons of plastic. Wow!   Here on the Gulf of Mexico we aren’t dealing with a problem as massive as the Pacific. But we do have marine debris [...]

2 09, 2020

“Get the Trash Out of the Splash” this month

By |2020-09-23T16:01:42+00:00September 2nd, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

The 33rd Annual Alabama Coastal Cleanup is slated for September 19, 2020. It’s your chance to volunteer with thousands of others across the world to help clean coastal waters and shorelines on International Coastal Cleanup Day. Alabama’s first Coastal Cleanup was held in 1988 and since then more than 1.5 million pounds of trash has been collected by 83,000+ volunteers.   With the number of visitors to our beautiful shores topping 5 million each year, things can get a bit dirty. The Leave Only Footprints program has helped tremendously with keeping our coastline clean, but trash still makes its [...]

12 08, 2020

Yes, you can recycle at the beach

By |2020-08-19T18:27:18+00:00August 12th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

Let’s talk recycling. We all know it’s important for the environment. But we don’t always know what we can recycle and how to do it, especially while on vacation, so the cities of Gulf Shores and Orange Beach make it easy for you.  On the beaches of Gulf Shores and Orange Beach, you’ll notice two cans, one for landfill refuse and one for recycling. Simply separate your trash from your recyclables and toss them into the proper can as you leave the beach.   Items that can be recycled:  Aluminum [...]

1 07, 2020

Five things you shouldn’t bring on your beach trip

By |2020-07-14T17:15:45+00:00July 1st, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

We’ve all seen those endless lists of what to take on your beach vacation. We’re going to be a little different and give you a list of what not to bring on your Alabama beach trip.    Each year, more than 5 million travelers visit our beautiful beaches. We want our beaches to stay the same for the next 5 million and the next after that, and so on. Our Leave Only Footprints program is all about our beaches and wildlife in Coastal Alabama, and we want you to [...]

10 06, 2020

Leave no trace during Great Outdoors Month

By |2020-06-17T14:42:37+00:00June 10th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

June has been named Great Outdoors Month, creating a monthlong celebration of the outdoors. It was designated to encourage everyone to “embrace the outdoor spirit of America and head outside into the natural world.” Here on the beautiful Alabama Gulf Coast, we’re jumping in with both feet.     There are many ways to celebrate the great outdoors, even if it’s simply taking a walk at a nearby park. One of the best places to do this is the white-sand beach of Gulf Shores and Orange Beach. Each year, our 32-mile Gulf of Mexico coastline entertains more than 5 million visitors from [...]

11 03, 2020

How to Be Green, Clean and Considerate this Spring Break

By |2020-02-27T18:15:47+00:00March 11th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

After a long, cold and often wet winter, spring is always a welcome sight. It’s the perfect time to go to the beach to sunbathe and play on the water’s edge. Even though this can be a time of fun, it’s important to be considerate of others and to clean up after yourself. Orange Beach and Gulf Shores public beaches have trash receptacles located on the beach for any garbage you need to dispose of. It’s strongly suggested to carry [...]

20 12, 2019

Leave what you find when exploring the shores of the Alabama Gulf Coast

By |2019-11-12T13:38:09+00:00December 20th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

The Alabama Gulf Coast is a wonder. The endless blue skies, emerald water that gently laps on the sugar-white sands, the smell of fresh salt air and the shells you find scattered along your path. All wonders. All part of our natural environment. It’s easy to want to take home a treasure from the beach. A symbol of the memory of the day spent on the Alabama shores. But we want future generations to continue to enjoy the shores, soak [...]

29 11, 2019

No-Waste Food Prep for Your Beach Picnic

By |2019-10-25T09:53:14+00:00November 29th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

Picnics are so much fun, especially when they are on the beach! And it’s actually easy to decrease or eliminate the use of disposable products that may get left behind. Learn how to pack a zero-waste, delicious picnic with a few easy steps. First, finger foods are a great way to go. They are perfect for a picnic because they do not require any utensils or wrappers that may be blown away or thrown away. Pick your favorites from this [...]

24 09, 2019

Understanding the Six Degrees of Marine Debris Separation

By |2019-09-22T01:58:37+00:00September 24th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

We all know that trash ends up in our oceans and waterways. While some of it may be due to beachgoers, boaters and passersby who accidently or purposefully litter, it can also start miles away from the beach. Marine debris is found in every ocean in the world. A world-wide problem may seem difficult to tackle, but with marine debris, even one individual can create a positive effect. Understanding the six degrees of marine debris separation is the first step [...]

23 08, 2019

5 beach usage guidelines on the Alabama Gulf Coast

By |2019-08-20T10:32:40+00:00August 23rd, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

Summer is in full swing, and nothing says summertime like a fun-filled day at the beach. When you visit the beaches in Gulf Shores and Orange Beach, there are just a few beach-usage rules to keep in mind: Keep off the dunes, vegetation and bird nesting areas. It may be tempting to walk up on the dunes for a photo op with those gorgeous sea oats, but please, please, please . . . resist. Our sand dunes and beach vegetation [...]

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